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List of orthology databases
If you know of any other database, please edit this page directly or contact us. The detailed table is the new preferred format–please help us complete it
Database | Description / Scientific focus applications (Max. 2 sentences) | Last updated | Update frequency | QFO Reference Proteomes | Taxonomic range covered | Number of organisms | Web service available | OrthoXML available |
OrthoDB | Comparative genomics, gene function inference, phylogenomics | 2016 | yearly | no | all domains of life and viruses | >4000 Prok., 588 Euk., & >3000 vir. | yes | no |
metaPhOrs | Phylogeny-based orthologs and paralogs computed using a consistency-based algorithms and phylogenetic trees available in 12 public repositories | 2015 | yes | all domains of life | 2,714 | yes | no | |
PhylomeDB | Genome-wide collection of gene evolutionary histories, and phylogeny-based orthology and paralogy prediction | 2016 | yes | all domains of life | >1000 | yes | yes | |
DIOPT | Integrative ortholog prediction tool of 10 algorithms | 2016 | partially | major model organisms | 9 | yes | no | |
Ensembl Compara | Evolutionary relationships among Ensembl species genes; Projection of gene names and GO annotations | 2016 | 4-5x / year | no | all domains of life through 6 divisions (sets of species) | 66 chordates and 240 others | yes | yes |
eggNOG | A database for phylogenetically refined Orthologous Groups and functional annotation. | 2016 | biennial | no | all domains of life (plus viruses) | 1793 prokaryote proteomes, 238 eukaryotes, 352 viruses | yes | no |
InParanoid | Database of 2-species ortholog groups with inparalogs; inparalogs and seed orthologs are assigned a confidence score | 2014 | yes | all domains of life, mostly eukaryotic | 273 | no | yes | |
HieranoiDB | Database of ortholog trees inferred by Hieranoid; speciation and duplication nodes are marked; inparalogs are assigned a confidence score | 2016 | yes | all domains of life | 66 | no | yes | |
OMA | Phylogenetic reconstruction, function prediction and ancestral genome content through different types of orthologous groups | 2016 | 2x / year | partially | all domains of life | >2000 | yes | yes |
OrtholugeDB | Ortholog predictions for completely sequenced bacterial and archaeal genomes, with additional assessment using Ortholuge to improve specificity | 2016 | 1x / year | no | bacteria and archaea | >2000 | yes | yes |
PANTHER | Evolutionary relationships among model organism genes; Inference of gene function using GO terms | 2016 | yearly | yes | all domains of life | 104 | yes | no |
PLAZA | Plant comparative genomics database, focusing on dicots, monocots and green algae. More info about data types here | 2014 | no | Viridiplantae | Dicots 3.0 31, Monocots 3.0 16 | no | no | |
TreeFam | Catalogue of gene families; Phylogenetic reconstruction | 2012 | Next update in 2015 | no | metazoans + model eukaryotes | 109 | no | no |
GreenPhylDB | Database for comparative and functional genomics in plants. gene family clustering, manual curation and phylogenomic inference of orthologs | 2014 | variable | no | Viridiplantae | 37 | yes | no |
WORMHOLE | Machine learning-based integration of 17 ortholog prediction methods. | 2016 | variable | no | major model organisms | 6 | yes | no |
FUNGIpath | FUNGIpath is a web service dedicated to the exploration of fungal metabolism. More info on the database here. More info on the orthologs detection method here. | 2014 | variable | yes http://bim.igmors.u-psud.fr/mario/ | Fungi | 165 | yes | yes for the QFO reference proteomes |
Other databases:
- PhIGs
orthology_databases.1496782477.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/06 20:54 by Erik Sonnhammer