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Monday 25th May 2015

Erik Sonnhammer “Summary of past QfO achievements and open issues”

Lightning Talks

Paul Thomas (University of Southern California, USA) “Toward a common resource for protein-coding gene families”

Martin Steinegger (Max Planck Institute, Spain) “The MMseqs suite for fast and sensitive batch searching and clustering of huge protein sequence sets”

Damian Szklarczyk (SIB / University of Zurich, Switzerland) “Interolog predictions in STRING using eggNOG”

Hirokazu Chiba (National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan) “Applying RDF/SPARQL to ortholog databases”

Jeremy Levy (UCL, United Kingdom) “Comparison of CEGMA, single-copy OrthoMCL, and OMA for the construction of supermatrices in species phylogenetic analyses”

Claire McWhite (University of Texas at Austin, USA) “Ortholog profiling”

Steven Müller (University College London GEE, United Kingdom) “FamilyAnalyser - Getting the best out of your OrthoXML”

Ivana Piližota (University College London, United Kingdom) “Speeding-­up homology inference”

Clement Train (ETH ZURICH, Dessimoz group, Switzerland) “Efficiently Inferring Hierarchical Orthologous Groups in a Large Comparative Genomics Setup”

Henning Redestig (Bayer Cropscience, Belgium) “Using the OMA orthology database to navigate crop proteomes”

Erik Sonnhammer (Stockholm University, Sweden) “New InParanoid developments”

Nives Skunca (ETH, Switzerland) “Comparison of different strategies for predicting function in the OMA database”

Natasha Glover (UCL and BayerCropScience, Belgium) “Homeologs: What are they? How to infer them? What are they useful for?”

Open Plenary Lecture

Eugene V Koonin (NIH, USA) “Orthology: the shifting cornerstone of genomics”

Poster session sponsored by Illumina

Tuesday 26th May

Session "Orthology methods and resource advances I"

Salvador Capella-Gutierrez (CRG, Spain) “PhylomeDB: where every protein has its tree.”

El-Mabrouk Nadia (University of Montreal, Canada) “Orthology and paralogy relations versus Gene trees: Agreement, Correction and Optimality.”

Mateus Patricio (EBI, United Kingdom) “TreeFam: HMM classification of hundreds of genomes across Ensembl and Ensembl genomes”

Evgenia Kriventseva (UniGe, SIB, Switzerland) “OrthoDB in 2015: scaling up the data and the user experience.”

Jaime Huerta-Cepas (Embl, Germany) “EggNOG 2015”

Mateusz Kaduk (Stockholm University, Sweden) “Improving Hieranoid: hierarchical orthology inference”

Session "Shared resources in the orthology community"

Boeckmann Brigitte (Swiss-Prot group, SIB, Switzerland) “Quest for Orthologs (QfO) entails Quest for Tree of Life (QfToL): in Search of the Gene Stream”

Alan Sousa da Silva (EMBL-EBI, United Kingdom) “The new extended UniProt Reference Proteomes and its implications for the QfO”

Jesualdo Tomás Fernández-Breis (Universidad de Murcia, Spain) “Efforts in the semantic standardization of orthology content”

Session "Orthology methods and resource advances II"

Sergei Mekhedov (ATTAIN, USA) “Orthology redefined: Clusters of orthologous domains in Eukaryotes”

Ikuo Uchiyama (National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan) “New developments in MBGD: incorporation of draft genome data and refinement of domain-level ortholog identification ”

Adrian Altenhoff (SIB, Switzerland) “SIBLINGs: sharing all-against-all comparison across orthology projects”

Odile Lecompte (iCUBE, Université de Strasbourg, France) “MyGeneFriends: a social network linking genes, diseases and researchers”

Cedric Notredame (CRG, Spain) “Growing taller phylogenetic trees on structural compost”

Discussion Session

moderators Erik Sonnhammer, Christophe Dessimoz

Session “From evolution to function”

Bethan Yates (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, EMBL-EBI, United Kingdom) “HGNC Efforts To Standardise Gene Nomenclature Across Vertebrate Genomes.”

Cécile Pereira (Université Pairs-Sud, France) “A meta-approach for improving the prediction and the functional annotation of ortholog groups”

Benjamin Liebeskind (University of Texas at Austin, USA) “Orthologous systems and human disease.”

Suzanna Lewis (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA) “Phylogeny-driven approaches to protein function determination.”

Shigehiro Kuraku (RIKEN Center for Life Science Technologies, Japan) “Assessing vertebrate homolog space - from EvoDevo viewpoint”

Klaas Vandepoele (Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (WE09), Ghent University, Belgium) “Hunting the unknown: gene function prediction in plants using comparative genomics and next-generation sequencing data analysis”

Discussion Session

Moderators Toni Gabaldon, Paul Thomas

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