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Quest for Orthologs 5, June 8-10, Los Angeles

The identification of orthologs, the evolutionarily closest genes across different species, is a fundamental problem in evolutionary and comparative genomics. The Quest for Orthologs address current challenges in orthology inference by bringing together leaders and junior researchers in the field with the aims of exchanging ideas, facilitating benchmarking, improving interoperability among orthology databases, and improving orthology-based protein function inference.


  • Paul Thomas (chair), University of Southern California
  • Christophe Dessimoz, University of Lausanne
  • Toni Gabaldón, CRG Barcelona
  • Edward Marcotte, UT Austin
  • Cécile Pereira, University of Florida
  • Norbert Perrimon, Harvard University
  • Erik Sonnhammer, University of Stockholm



We invite abstracts for research which is in progress or has been published. The presenter should identify themselves as the corresponding author during the submission process, and accepted presenters are required to make the presentation themselves, and must register and pay to attend the conference.

The abstracts will be considered for an oral or poster presentation at the SMBE Symposium on Evolution of Gene Families (June 8, and at the 5th International Quest for Orthologs Meeting (June 9-10).

The scientific organizers request that you submit an abstract when registering. Some abstracts will be selected for poster presentations and some will be selected for oral presentations. Abstracts should be less than 400 words, including references. They will not be formally published nor circulated outside of the Quest for Orthologs workshop without authorization, to encourage the presentation of unpublished results and of work in progress.

Please use the following link to add an abstract:

Abstract deadline: April 18, 2017 extended: May 3. Submission are open. Notifications by May 8.

Talks: 15' + 5' for the questions
Flash talks: 5' + 5' for the questions


Open March 18 to April 18 May 3, 2017.

Please use the following link:

The registration include:

  • Scientific sessions
  • Coffee breaks
  • Poster session
  • The conference dinner

Travel awards for postdoctoral researchers and graduate students

Limited travel funds are available to support travel. Please apply no later than April 20, 2017, by sending an email to, with your name, affiliation, a brief description of your interest in attending the meeting (250 words maximum), and approximate total travel costs, and travel funds requested.


Meeting begins June 8 at 9am, and ends June 10 at 3pm. There will be a conference dinner on June 9.

June 8 will be a larger Symposium sponsored by SMBE. The registration for the SMBE symposium on Evolution of Gene Families is free.

The complete program is available here:


The special USC rate at the following hotels will be available for attendees. Book soon, as there are several conferences in Los Angeles at this time and availability is limited.

Millennium Biltmore Hotel

506 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071 2017 USC rates: Classic room – $168 Club room – $218 Use code USC to make reservations online or call 213-612-1575 Parking: $45 (valet) 3.2 miles from UPC; 4.4 miles from HSC

DoubleTree by Hilton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel

120 South Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 2017 USC rates: Standard room – $175 Use code USC to make reservations online or call 1-800-222-TREE Parking: $20 (self); $25 (valet) 3.2 miles from UPC; 4.4 miles from HSC

Luxe City Center Hotel

1020 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015 2016 USC rates: Superior room – $189 Deluxe room – $205 Use code USC to make reservations online or call 213-743-7601 Parking: $40 (valet) 3.4 miles from UPC; 4.2 miles from HSC


June 8th, 2017

9:00am – 5:30pm USC Health Sciences Campus, Mayer Auditorium, 1975 Zonal Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089

June 9-10th, 2017

June 8, 9am - June 10, 3pm USC campus, Irani Hall- RRI 1050 Childs Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089, United States

Local activities

walking distance:
Downtown LA
Live entertainment
Santa Monica: beach and shopping
  • Take Expo line West to last stop (downtown Santa Monica)
  • Biking on the beach, multiple rental shops (Google bicycle rental santa monica), ask at shop for directions to the bike path along the beach
Hollywood Sign hikes

Travel information

For international flights, you will arrive at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). For domestic flights, Burbank Airport is also an option. For travel from the airport to downtown, a taxi or Lyft are the most convenient options, although buses and shuttles are also available. See for ground transportation details.

qfo5.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/19 21:47 by Paul Thomas

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