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Table of Contents
Working groups
The long-term goal of this group is to establish standards in orthology benchmarking.
Benchmark server | |
Publication | Standardised Benchmarking in the Quest for Orthologs, Nat Methods, 2016 |
If you want to join the effort, please contact Christophe Dessimoz ( and subscribe to the Quest for Orthologs mailing list.
Species tree resource
The purpose of the working group is to provide a species tree for the construction of reference gene phylogenies and for benchmarking. It will include the species of the QfO reference proteomes, and it is not supposed to be an exhaustive ToL. The tree topology should be ‘robust’, meaning in agreement with main ToL projects and latest knowledge.
Reference proteome species trees | |
If you want to join the effort, please contact Brigitte Bowckmann ( and subscribe to the Quest for Orthologs mailing list.
Steering committee
This committee manages the general course of the 'Quest For Orthologs' community. It's in charge, among other thing, of the organization of the meetings.
If you want to join the effort, please contact Erik Sonnhammer (, Christophe Dessimoz (, Toni Gabaldón (, or Paul Thomas (, and subscribe to the Quest for Orthologs mailing list.
Orthology utilities tools
Design and development of tools for the comparison, transfer and applications of orthology calls.
If you want to join the effort, please contact Kristoffer Forslund ( and subscribe to the Quest for Orthologs mailing list.
Reference Proteomes
Create a set of reference proteomes of high quality.
If you want to join the effort, please contact Alan Wilter ( or Erik Sonnhammer (
Standard formats
If you want to join the effort, please contact Erik Sonnhammer (
If you want to join the effort, please contact Suzanna Lewis ( or Kristoffer Forslund (
Funding for network
If you want to join the effort, please contact Christophe Dessimoz( or Toni Gabaldon (
Consensus/Meta predictions
If you want to join the effort, please contact Christophe Dessimoz( or Toni Gabaldon (
Reference alignment
If you want to join the effort, please contact Paul Thomas ( or Marc Robinson-Rechavi(
Update Wikipedia
If you want to join the effort, please contact Christophe Dessimoz( or Toni Gabaldon (